18 May Be Experimental, Don’t Hesitate
Be Experimental, Don’t Hesitate
As a part of my “Experiencing The Youth Intelligence ” initiative, I always participate in the interview processes of young talent.
Over the period of last two decades, the drastic change I am observing is that, though this generation talks a lot about taking challenges in life, they are very scared of doing experiments in their career (professional or academic) and facing unpredictable situations …which in a corporate world is called as “out of box thinking “…experimenting with the life. Let it be jumping in a river instead of a swimming pool or let it be selecting an education stream, which is not well known but of your own interest, or getting into a job profile that is totally new…everywhere there is a ” law” being followed to select options and that is being understood as “success”. I also hold parents responsible to some extent, for grooming their kids with such “stigmas”. As a young student or professional, on the path of leadership, it is very important to keep experimenting with life. I was always taught by my bosses ..” if you want different results , you must try different ways”
A young, enthusiastic student, must start thinking at a very early age about this aspect of Leadership and keep experimenting.
Leaders always finds new ways of managing their business or life, by experimenting and that surely keeps the environment & results dynamic.