Resident Engineering Services,
When It’s Needed?
In Automotive sector as a part of quality management, many times OEMs or T1suppliers need a “Third Quality Eye “at their supplier or customer end, to coordinate quality issues on day to day basis. Catalydd has a strong foothold in assisting customers through its “resident engineer automotive” (REA) services, by representing either at customer end or supplier end.
This services is also needed by many overseas manufacturers who has customer base in India, but they do not have presence in India, Catalydd in that case represents them in India, not only as a resident engineer automotive, but also in other forms like Sales or Service Resident Engineer.
8D Management Service
Though many a times 8D management is a part of RE Services, many a times we are being appointed as 8D management company, especially by customers who are handling Tier 2 or SME type suppliers. Awareness or the education on 8 Services if a challenge as you go down the line in supply chain, so educating supplier on 8D management, also becomes a creitical task for Catalydd.