It’s Always A Pleasure Dealing With You.

In most of the business mentoring sessions, I hear one common thing from my clients “Irrespective of we close the deals or not, we are not able to establish a healthy relationship with the customer “.

True, that’s the problem we have, but we also have numerous opposite examples, where even without closing a single deal, for a long time, there is a very healthy relationship with the customer or let’s say, prospective customers.

While building customer relationships, we tempt to forget that, basically we all are humans, and irrespective of the position you are in, you will surely reflect all those human behaviors.

Some important tips, which I have learnt over the last two decades to build a healthy relationship with the customer…irrespective of whether you immediately gain business out of it or not are

1)Never forget that your “target” is a human mind and body and its behavior cannot be captured /predicted in any business plan or sales real with your customer, be human

2) Call/meet/text your customer …not only for season greetings and business inquiries but otherwise also.

3) One cannot be always at the receiving end in front of the customer, always expecting an inquiry or business. But one needs to “Give” some value-added information, which can help customer to improve their knowledge. Share new technology, try to help in some instances even without a business deal, and give some life-improving tips.

4)Help your customer to understand the current deal in a better way, if they lack some knowledge ..make sure, in the event, you don’t help your competition 😊 .

5) If there are mistakes in the “Deal document” by customers, proactively inform them, though those might be of your benefit. Don’t forget, soon or later they will know those. If they find it in the future, you look either a cheater or an ignorant.

6) Sometimes, you end up being superior to the customer in terms of business size or technology …avoid showing it off, they know it.

7) Sometimes your customer ends up giving you confidential information at a personal level …avoid encashing it in private or public to show off your sales skills.

8) Not every customer is as smart as you, help them to know their benefits before their manager does it.

There might be more tips on the topic and not all tips are suitable for every customer, but these are very basic tips which I followed, and most of the time I heard from the customers “It’s always a pleasure dealing with you”

Be A Leader to Make Difference

I am very happy to announce that I have completed initial mastery of John Mattone’s intelligent leadership executive coaching. John has been a coach for “Steve jobs” in his crucial years and it’s actually a proud moment to get coached by “The John” himself . Though leadership coaching is something I have been doing for several years informally, this brings sharpened of my skills, by getting such important formal certification.

Leader is one who is able to see what others are not able to see and leadership is not you asserting yourself over somebody, but being able to harness everybody’s aspirations and make it happen (Jaggi Vasudev ) . Leadership need not be only for running a business, but it’s required everywhere, being a student, wife/mother/father, sportsman, spiritual guru, shopkeeper, and housekeeping cleaner …everybody needs to acquire leadership skills to make a difference in whatever we do.

I have been in the industry for the last 23 years heading various organizations. While I was busy leading organizations, I came across numerous employees, suppliers, and coworkers whom I felt many times that they had huge potential to grow and succeed, but as they were seriously lacking leadership qualities or there was nobody to guide them on the path of leadership, they had a huge struggle in their life.

I was fortunate enough to get guided/mentored by many authorities and I am grateful to all of them for teaching me, guiding me, and mentoring me on various important aspects of life.

Similarly, I have been passing on this knowledge to all, whom I came across and I am planning to do it more seriously and rigorously.

Leadership coaching is not my bread and butter and I don’t look at it majorly from earning source point of view, but sharing experiences and helping others to progress on the path of leadership is my passion and I am open to participating in the process of sharing and learning with individuals as well organizations.

Finally, in whatever role or business we are in, the well-being of humans should be the ultimate goal.

Be Experimental, Don’t Hesitate

As a part of my “Experiencing The Youth Intelligence ” initiative, I always participate in the interview processes of young talent.

Over the period of last two decades, the drastic change I am observing is that, though this generation talks a lot about taking challenges in life, they are very scared of doing experiments in their career (professional or academic) and facing unpredictable situations …which in a corporate world is called as “out of box thinking “…experimenting with the life. Let it be jumping in a river instead of a swimming pool or let it be selecting an education stream, which is not well known but of your own interest, or getting into a job profile that is totally new…everywhere there is a ” law” being followed to select options and that is being understood as “success”. I also hold parents responsible to some extent, for grooming their kids with such “stigmas”. As a young student or professional, on the path of leadership, it is very important to keep experimenting with life. I was always taught by my bosses ..” if you want different results , you must try different ways”

A young, enthusiastic student, must start thinking at a very early age about this aspect of Leadership and keep experimenting.

Leaders always finds new ways of managing their business or life, by experimenting and that surely keeps the environment & results dynamic.

Train To Perform

Post-Pandemic, most organizations are cutting Training Costs either completely or partially and this is going to be “More” dangerous. When we use the word “more”, it’s a relative comparison with the past …as in the past also many organizations, were not giving adequate importance to the training.

While discussing with around 20 CEOs in the industry, they reviled an interesting fact that as a leader of the business they are keen to get their team trained on various topics and skills, but when it comes to the actual effectiveness of the training, the average rating given by most of them was 3, on the scale of 1 to 10 , 10 being the highest. This is not shocking, as because of this, most of the time, in any crucial situation, the first cost every company cuts, is Training & Development cost …as the Tangible, results are not seen.

When the same topic was discussed with HR leads, most of them confirmed that “they arrange all those trainings, which management approves “and only 20% agreed that they even track the “Effectiveness”.

When the same topic was discussed with the Trainers, they gave similar feedback “generally there is no demand on effectiveness monitoring/support and most discussions are happening around man day rate” and “Only 15% of companies found to be demanding effectiveness monitoring/support”

We cannot blame anybody, as everybody has their own priority and the environment has been created like that for donkeys of years.

We at Catalydd are coming up soon with the Training Division, where performance monitoring will be an integral part of Training. We will take up only those assignments where we will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the training. Coming up soon with more details

Catalydd Engineering & Consulting

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